Kohler generator installation
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Quality, Friendly Service in Central & Eastern PA

It’s a cold winter day, with storm clouds on the horizon. The kids are watching television as you’re cooking a warm dinner for the whole family. Suddenly, you hear a gust of wind and all appliances shut off. You’re left in the dark, with a half-baked chicken in the oven, a hungry family, and no power.

In cases like these, emergency generators and a concrete emergency plan are your best friends. Not only do they provide power to your home during power outages, but they also require no manual activation, as they start automatically when the power goes out and stop when the power returns. Haller provides the professional installation and expertise needed to properly install and service a backup generator that will feed power to your home during unplanned outages.

Which Generator Is Best For You

There are a few different kinds of generators out there and not every kind is best suited for your home. Luckily, we can provide a few criteria to consider before installing your first backup generator for your home.

Backup generator

A backup generator requires manual control, meaning whenever your power goes out, you must turn on the generator manually.

Standby generator

A standby generator requires professional expertise to properly install in your home, but functions automatically, meaning it senses when your power goes out and provides power without manual control. These generators are fueled by natural gas or liquid propane.

Benefits of installing a Standby Generator

  • Automatic transfer switch for power on and off
  • Permanent fixture outside your residential or commercial building
  • Professionally installed by Haller technicians
  • 24/7 protection

Haller Can Help

Once you’ve determined which type of emergency generator you want, it’s important for a Haller expert to visit your home and recommend next steps. Haller electrical service providers are available to answer any inquiries and provide expert help when needed.

Generator Information Request Form

Please submit the form below and a customer service representative will contact you shortly with more information about a backup power generator.

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