Technician lifting water softener bag

Improving Water Quality in Your Home

Haller provides water filtration and softening services in Southern and Eastern Pennsylvania. A certified Haller Technician will come to your home to test your water for sediments and contaminants, such as lead, arsenic, and chlorine. Based on the results of this test, our Technicians will recommend and install a new water softening and filtration system to ensure your home’s water is clean and safe. Haller also offers regular maintenance to keep quality water flowing through your home.

Water Filtration and Softening Systems

Some popular options to treat water in Pennsylvania. Haller repairs these systems and others:

water softener icon

Water Softeners

Removes large amounts of minerals (lime, calcium and magnesium) that are found in water in Southern and Eastern Pennsylvania.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis

Filters water at the molecular level to remove chlorine, nitrates and other chemicals and dissolved solids from water.

acid neutralizer icon

Acid Neutralizer

Keeps your water pH at 7.0 (which is perfectly neutral) to prevent damage to your home’s pipes, which can be caused by acidic water.

UV Lights

Ultraviolet Light Systems

Removes all bacteria contaminants from water, making it safe to drink.

Why Move to Soft Water?

Soft water can bring greater efficiency to your life. From time spent on chores, to energy use, and the amount of soap you use, soft water makes it easier.

Water from your public water system has added minerals like calcium and magnesium. While these minerals do have health benefits, gradual buildup is damaging to your household appliances.

You can install systems to remove these minerals. Soft water, similar to rainwater, flows through your taps and can make your home run more efficiently.

Yellow gloves next to a lime scale faucet

1. Household Chores

The minerals in hard water leave spots and residue on your dishes. Using soft water makes your dishes, bathtub, and even your hair, shiner.

2. Hard Water Uses More Energy

When the ions of minerals in hard water react with soap, it is more difficult to form a lather. This means you use more soap with hard water. You and your systems will be less effective and use more soap to wash the dishes, laundry, and your hair.

Pieces of pipe with calcium build up inside

3. Hard Water Can Damage Household Appliances

Hard water can damage appliances when sediment collects and restricts water flow in your home’s pipes. This can decrease water pressure and further damage to your plumbing system.

4. Reduce Plastics

Soft water is often considered “smoother” and lacks the “chemical” taste that is sometimes detected in hard water. Stop buying bottled water and enjoy water right from your tap!

Haller Technician Opening Back Van Doors

Why Trust Haller With Your Water?

Haller technicians have over 200 years of experience installing, fixing, and maintaining home water softening and treatment systems.

Continued Maintenance

We want to ensure that you continue to have the best water quality in your home through our maintenance program.

Certified Technicians

Our technicians are Aqua 1 and 2 certified and undergo continuous training on all the latest equipment to solve any issues.

Local Products

Haller installs time-tested products that are made right here in Pennsylvania!

Frequently Asked Questions

Water Filtration & Softening

What causes water pollution?

Water pollution occurs when water is contaminated by a number of possible causes, including: sewage and wastewater; industrial waste pollution (via chemicals); agricultural waste; marine dumping human garbage (i.e. plastics, glassware, etc.); oil leaks; fossil fuel ash; landfill leaks; and, chemical fertilizers/pesticides.

How does water softening work?

Hard water contains minerals (lime, magnesium and calcium). These minerals can damage your appliances and home systems. A water softener filters minerals from your home’s water supply. This ensures the safety of your home’s appliances and systems.

Why is water filtration important?

A water filtration system separates pollutants from our water. This ensures water is clean and safe for drinking, cooking, cleaning and more.

Water Quality & Testing

What causes water pollution?

Water pollution occurs when water is contaminated by a number of possible causes, including: sewage and wastewater; industrial waste pollution (via chemicals); agricultural waste; marine dumping human garbage (i.e. plastics, glassware, etc.); oil leaks; fossil fuel ash; landfill leaks; and, chemical fertilizers/pesticides.

What are water quality indicators?

Water quality indicators are measures that are used to test the quality of water. Key indicators include: amount of dissolved oxygen, water temperature, pH balance level, Escherichia coli (E. coli) level, transparency and amount of nitrates.

What are water quality standards?

Water quality standards are parameters set and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure water is safe and clean for drinking, and aquatic water life is protected. As mandated by the Clean Water Act, every state must adopt water quality standards that work towards achieving this goal.

Why is water quality important?

Water is vital for us humans and our environment. We use water every day for drinking, cleaning, bathing, cooking and more. Ensuring it is clean protects our health and safety.